CF56B.Spoilt Permutation






Vasya collects coins: he has exactly one coin for every year from 11 to nn . Naturally, Vasya keeps all the coins in his collection in the order in which they were released. Once Vasya's younger brother made a change — he took all the coins whose release year dated from ll to rr inclusively and put them in the reverse order. That is, he took a certain segment [l,r][l,r] and reversed it. At that the segment's endpoints did not coincide. For example, if n=8n=8 , then initially Vasya's coins were kept in the order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. If Vasya's younger brother chose the segment [2,6][2,6] , then after the reversal the coin order will change to 1 6 5 4 3 2 7 8. Vasya suspects that someone else could have spoilt the permutation after his brother. Help him to find that out. Check if the given permutation can be obtained from the permutation 1 2 ... nn using exactly one segment reversal. If it is possible, find the segment itself.


The first line contains an integer nn ( 1<=n<=10001<=n<=1000 ) which is the number of coins in Vasya's collection. The second line contains space-separated nn integers which are the spoilt sequence of coins. It is guaranteed that the given sequence is a permutation, i.e. it contains only integers from 11 to nn , and every number is used exactly 1 time.


If it is impossible to obtain the given permutation from the original one in exactly one action, print 0 0. Otherwise, print two numbers ll rr ( 1<=l<r<=n ) which are the endpoints of the segment that needs to be reversed to obtain from permutation 1 2 ... nn the given one.


  • 输入#1

    1 6 5 4 3 2 7 8


    2 6
  • 输入#2

    2 3 4 1


    0 0
  • 输入#3

    1 2 3 4


    0 0