CF61C.Capture Valerian






It's now 260260 AD. Shapur, being extremely smart, became the King of Persia. He is now called Shapur, His majesty King of kings of Iran and Aniran.

Recently the Romans declared war on Persia. They dreamed to occupy Armenia. In the recent war, the Romans were badly defeated. Now their senior army general, Philip is captured by Shapur and Shapur is now going to capture Valerian, the Roman emperor.

Being defeated, the cowardly Valerian hid in a room at the top of one of his castles. To capture him, Shapur has to open many doors. Fortunately Valerian was too scared to make impenetrable locks for the doors.

Each door has 44 parts. The first part is an integer number aa . The second part is either an integer number bb or some really odd sign which looks like R. The third one is an integer cc and the fourth part is empty! As if it was laid for writing something. Being extremely gifted, after opening the first few doors, Shapur found out the secret behind the locks.

cc is an integer written in base aa , to open the door we should write it in base bb . The only bad news is that this R is some sort of special numbering system that is used only in Roman empire, so opening the doors is not just a piece of cake!

Here's an explanation of this really weird number system that even doesn't have zero:

Roman numerals are based on seven symbols: a stroke (identified with the letter I) for a unit, a chevron (identified with the letter V) for a five, a cross-stroke (identified with the letter X) for a ten, a C (identified as an abbreviation of Centum) for a hundred, etc.:

  • I= 11
  • V= 55
  • X= 1010
  • L= 5050
  • C= 100100
  • D= 500500
  • M= 10001000

Symbols are iterated to produce multiples of the decimal ( 11 , 1010 , 100100 , 1,0001,000 ) values, with V, L, D substituted for a multiple of five, and the iteration continuing: I 11 , II 22 , III 33 , V 55 , VI 66 , VII 77 , etc., and the same for other bases: X 1010 , XX 2020 , XXX 3030 , L 5050 , LXXX 8080 ; CC 200200 , DCC 700700 , etc. At the fourth and ninth iteration, a subtractive principle must be employed, with the base placed before the higher base: IV 44 , IX 99 , XL 4040 , XC 9090 , CD 400400 , CM 900900 .

Also in bases greater than 1010 we use A for 1010 , B for 1111 , etc.

Help Shapur capture Valerian and bring peace back to Persia, especially Armenia.


The first line contains two integers aa and bb ( 2<=a,b<=252<=a,b<=25 ). Only bb may be replaced by an R which indicates Roman numbering system.

The next line contains a single non-negative integer cc in base aa which may contain leading zeros but its length doesn't exceed 10310^{3} .

It is guaranteed that if we have Roman numerals included the number would be less than or equal to 3000103000_{10} and it won't be 00 . In any other case the number won't be greater than 10101510^{15}_{10} .


Write a single line that contains integer cc in base bb . You must omit leading zeros.


  • 输入#1

    10 2


  • 输入#2

    16 R


  • 输入#3

    5 R


  • 输入#4

    2 2


  • 输入#5

    12 13




You can find more information about roman numerals here:
