





A star map in Berland is a checked field n×mn×m squares. In each square there is or there is not a star. The favourite constellation of all Berland's astronomers is the constellation of the Cross. This constellation can be formed by any 5 stars so, that for some integer xx (radius of the constellation) the following is true:

  • the 2nd is on the same vertical line as the 1st, but xx squares up
  • the 3rd is on the same vertical line as the 1st, but xx squares down
  • the 4th is on the same horizontal line as the 1st, but xx squares left
  • the 5th is on the same horizontal line as the 1st, but xx squares right

Such constellations can be very numerous, that's why they are numbered with integers from 1 on the following principle: when two constellations are compared, the one with a smaller radius gets a smaller index; if their radii are equal — the one, whose central star if higher than the central star of the other one; if their central stars are at the same level — the one, whose central star is to the left of the central star of the other one.

Your task is to find the constellation with index kk by the given Berland's star map.


The first line contains three integers nn , mm and kk ( 1<=n,m<=300,1<=k<=31071<=n,m<=300,1<=k<=3·10^{7} ) — height and width of the map and index of the required constellation respectively. The upper-left corner has coordinates (1,1)(1,1) , and the lower-right — (n,m)(n,m) . Then there follow nn lines, mm characters each — description of the map. jj -th character in ii -th line is «*», if there is a star in the corresponding square, and «.» if this square is empty.


If the number of the constellations is less than kk , output -1. Otherwise output 5 lines, two integers each — coordinates of the required constellation. Output the stars in the following order: central, upper, lower, left, right.


  • 输入#1

    5 6 1


    2 5
    1 5
    3 5
    2 4
    2 6
  • 输入#2

    5 6 2


  • 输入#3

    7 7 2


    4 4
    1 4
    7 4
    4 1
    4 7