CF27D.Ring Road 2






It is well known that Berland has nn cities, which form the Silver ring — cities ii and i+1i+1 ( 1<=i<n ) are connected by a road, as well as the cities nn and 11 . The goverment have decided to build mm new roads. The list of the roads to build was prepared. Each road will connect two cities. Each road should be a curve which lies inside or outside the ring. New roads will have no common points with the ring (except the endpoints of the road).

Now the designers of the constructing plan wonder if it is possible to build the roads in such a way that no two roads intersect (note that the roads may intersect at their endpoints). If it is possible to do, which roads should be inside the ring, and which should be outside?


The first line contains two integers nn and mm ( 4<=n<=100,1<=m<=1004<=n<=100,1<=m<=100 ). Each of the following mm lines contains two integers aia_{i} and bib_{i} ( 1<=ai,bi<=n,aibi1<=a_{i},b_{i}<=n,a_{i}≠b_{i} ). No two cities will be connected by more than one road in the list. The list will not contain the roads which exist in the Silver ring.


If it is impossible to build the roads in such a way that no two roads intersect, output Impossible. Otherwise print mm characters. ii -th character should be i, if the road should be inside the ring, and o if the road should be outside the ring. If there are several solutions, output any of them.


  • 输入#1

    4 2
    1 3
    2 4


  • 输入#2

    6 3
    1 3
    3 5
    5 1

