CF1885A.Deterministic Scheduling for Extended Reality over 5G and Beyond






The input of a single test has (4+RKT+NRK+1+J)(4 + R \cdot K \cdot T + N \cdot R \cdot K + 1 + J) lines, which contains user number NN , cell number KK , TTI number TT , RBG number RR , initial SINRs s0,rnt(k)s_{0, r n t}^{(k)} , interference factors dmrnd_{mrn} , frame number JJ and information about JJ frames.

The details are as follows:

  • Line 11 : User number NN , integer, 1N1001 \leq N \leq 100 . Users are numbered from 00 to N1N - 1 .
  • Line 22 : Cell number KK , integer, 1K101 \leq K \leq 10 . Cells are numbered from 00 to K1K - 1 .
  • Line 33 : TTI number TT , integer, 1T10001 \leq T \leq 1000 . TTIs are numbered from 00 to T1T - 1 .
  • Line 44 : RBG number RR , integer, 1R101 \leq R \leq 10 . RBGs are numbered from 00 to R1R - 1 .
  • Line 55 to (4+RKT)(4+R \cdot K\cdot T) : Initial SINRs s0,rnt(k)s_{0, r n t}^{(k)} , float, 0<s0,rnt(k)<100000 < s_{0, r n t}^{(k)} < 10\,000 . Each line has NN elements, corresponding to NN users. s0,rnt(k)s_{0, r n t}^{(k)} is the (n+1)(n+1) -th element of line (5+r+kR+tKR)(5+r+k \cdot R+t \cdot K \cdot R) .
  • Line (5+RKT)(5+R \cdot K \cdot T) to (4+RKT+NRK)(4+R \cdot K \cdot T + N \cdot R \cdot K) : Interference factors dmrn(k)d^{(k)}_{mrn} , float, 2dmrn(k)0-2 \leq d^{(k)}_{mrn} \leq 0 . Each line has NN elements, corresponding to NN users. dmrn(k)d^{(k)}_{mrn} is the (n+1)(n+1) -th element of line (5+RKT+m+rN+kRN)(5+R \cdot K \cdot T+m+r \cdot N + k \cdot R \cdot N) .
  • Line (5+RKT+NRK)(5+R \cdot K \cdot T + N \cdot R \cdot K) : Frame number JJ , integer, 1J50001 \leq J \leq 5000 .
  • Last JJ lines: Frame information. Each line contains 55 integers corresponding to a frame, which are, in order: frame ID j{0,,J1}j\in\{0,\ldots,J-1\} in increasing order, size TBSjTBS_j ( 0<TBSj1000000 < TBS_j \leq 100\,000 ), user ID it belongs to, first TTI t0,j{0,,T1}t_{0,j} \in\{0,\ldots,T-1\} , and number of TTIs td,j[1,100]t_{d,j} \in \left[ {1,100} \right] . Last TTI for frame jj can be found as t1,j=t0,j+td,j1t_{1,j}=t_{0,j}+t_{d,j}-1 ; it is guaranteed that t1,jT1t_{1,j} \le T - 1 .

It is guaranteed that each user has at most one frame at each TTI.


Output for a certain input is the optimization result of prnt(k)p_{r n t}^{(k)} (float), which has RKTR \cdot K \cdot T lines. Each line has NN elements, corresponding to NN users. prnt(k)p_{r n t}^{(k)} is the (n+1)(n+1) -th element of line (1+r+kR+tKR)(1+r+k \cdot R+t \cdot K \cdot R) .

Note that the optimization result of brnt(k)b_{r n t}^{(k)} does not need to be output, because prnt(k)>0p_{r n t}^{(k)}>0 and prnt(k)=0p_{r n t}^{(k)} = 0 means brnt(k)=1b_{r n t}^{(k)}=1 and brnt(k)=0b_{r n t}^{(k)} = 0 , respectively.

Please note that if the outputs do not meet the constraint (4), it will be judged as an incorrect answer and get score 00 . Besides, transmit on some TTIs out of time window is valid, but usually results in a lower score due to resources waste.


The goal is to maximize the number of successfully scheduled frames. When these numbers are tied, we will compare who used less power. To achieve that, Score=X106×pScore = X - 10^{-6}\times p , where XX and pp represent the number of successfully scheduled frames and the total power used for transmission, respectively.

The total score for a submission is the sum of scores on each test.


Two sets of tests are prepared in this problem. For the duration of the competition, each submission is tested on the preliminary set of tests. When the competition is finished, for each contestant:

The jury takes the latest submission with non-zero score on preliminary tests;

This submission is tested on the final set of tests for the final rank;

The two sets of tests are generated from the same pool of data, based on the real word data.


  • 输入#1

    1.3865 11.3865
    1.3865 11.3865
    2.3865 2.3865
    2.3865 2.3865
    0 -2
    -2 0
    0 -2
    -2 0
    0 250 0 0 2
    1 25 1 0 2


    0.000000 0.004950
    0.000000 0.004950
    0.245039 0.000000
    0.245039 0.000000


Two sets of tests are prepared in this problem. For the duration of the competition, each submission is tested on the preliminary set of tests. When the competition is finished, for each contestant:

The jury takes the latest submission with non-zero score on preliminary tests;

This submission is tested on the final set of tests for the final rank;

The two sets of tests are generated from the same pool of data, based on the real word data.
