CF1876B.Effects of Anti Pimples






Chaneka has an array [a1,a2,,an][a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n] . Initially, all elements are white. Chaneka will choose one or more different indices and colour the elements at those chosen indices black. Then, she will choose all white elements whose indices are multiples of the index of at least one black element and colour those elements green. After that, her score is the maximum value of aia_i out of all black and green elements.

There are 2n12^n-1 ways for Chaneka to choose the black indices. Find the sum of scores for all possible ways Chaneka can choose the black indices. Since the answer can be very big, print the answer modulo 998244353998\,244\,353 .


The first line contains a single integer nn ( 1n1051 \leq n \leq 10^5 ) — the size of array aa .

The second line contains nn integers a1,a2,a3,,ana_1,a_2,a_3,\ldots,a_n ( 0ai1050\leq a_i\leq10^5 ).


An integer representing the sum of scores for all possible ways Chaneka can choose the black indices, modulo 998244353998\,244\,353 .


  • 输入#1

    19 14 19 9


  • 输入#2



  • 输入#3

    90000 9000 99000 900 90900 9900 99900 90 90090 9090 99090 990 90990 9990 99990




In the first example, below are the 1515 possible ways to choose the black indices:

  • Index 11 is black. Indices 22 , 33 , and 44 are green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Index 22 is black. Index 44 is green. Maximum value among them is 1414 .
  • Index 33 is black. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Index 44 is black. Maximum value among them is 99 .
  • Indices 11 and 22 are black. Indices 33 and 44 are green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 and 33 are black. Indices 22 and 44 are green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 and 44 are black. Indices 22 and 33 are green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 22 and 33 are black. Index 44 is green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 22 and 44 are black. Maximum value among them is 1414 .
  • Indices 33 and 44 are black. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 , 22 , and 33 are black. Index 44 is green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 , 22 , and 44 are black. Index 33 is green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 , 33 , and 44 are black. Index 22 is green. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 22 , 33 , and 44 are black. Maximum value among them is 1919 .
  • Indices 11 , 22 , 33 , and 44 are black. Maximum value among them is 1919 .

The total sum is 19+14+19+9+19+19+19+19+14+19+19+19+19+19+19=26519+14+19+9+19+19+19+19+14+19+19+19+19+19+19 = 265 .
