





Monocarp organizes a weightlifting competition. There are nn athletes participating in the competition, the ii -th athlete has strength sis_i and endurance eie_i . The 11 -st athlete is Monocarp's friend Polycarp, and Monocarp really wants Polycarp to win.

The competition will be conducted as follows. The jury will choose a positive (greater than zero) integer ww , which denotes the weight of the barbell that will be used in the competition. The goal for each athlete is to lift the barbell as many times as possible. The athlete who lifts the barbell the most amount of times will be declared the winner (if there are multiple such athletes — there's no winner).

If the barbell's weight ww is strictly greater than the strength of the ii -th athlete sis_i , then the ii -th athlete will be unable to lift the barbell even one single time. Otherwise, the ii -th athlete will be able to lift the barbell, and the number of times he does it will be equal to his endurance eie_i .

For example, suppose there are 44 athletes with parameters s1=7,e1=4s_1 = 7, e_1 = 4 ; s2=9,e2=3s_2 = 9, e_2 = 3 ; s3=4,e3=6s_3 = 4, e_3 = 6 ; s4=2,e4=2s_4 = 2, e_4 = 2 . If the weight of the barbell is 55 , then:

  • the first athlete will be able to lift the barbell 44 times;
  • the second athlete will be able to lift the barbell 33 times;
  • the third athlete will be unable to lift the barbell;
  • the fourth athlete will be unable to lift the barbell.

Monocarp wants to choose ww in such a way that Polycarp (the 11 -st athlete) wins the competition. Help him to choose the value of ww , or report that it is impossible.


The first line contains one integer tt ( 1t1001 \le t \le 100 ) — the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains one integer nn ( 2n1002 \le n \le 100 ) — the number of athletes. Then nn lines follow, the ii -th of them contains two integers sis_i and eie_i ( 1si1091 \le s_i \le 10^9 ; 1ei1001 \le e_i \le 100 ) — the strength and the endurance of the ii -th athlete.


For each test case, print the answer as follows:

  • if the answer exists, print one integer — the value of ww meeting the constraints. The integer you print should satisfy 1w1091 \le w \le 10^9 . It can be shown that if the answer exists, at least one such value of ww exists as well. If there are multiple answers, you can print any of them;
  • otherwise, print one integer 1-1 .


  • 输入#1

    7 4
    9 3
    4 6
    2 2
    4 6
    100 100
    1337 3
    1337 3




The first test case of the example is described in the statement.
