





You are playing a video game. The game has nn quests that need to be completed. However, the jj -th quest can only be completed at the beginning of hour hjh_j of a game day. The game day is kk hours long. The hours of each game day are numbered 0,1,,k10, 1, \ldots, k - 1 . After the first day ends, a new one starts, and so on.

Also, there are dependencies between the quests, that is, for some pairs (ai,bi)(a_i, b_i) the bib_i -th quest can only be completed after the aia_i -th quest. It is guaranteed that there are no circular dependencies, as otherwise the game would be unbeatable and nobody would play it.

You are skilled enough to complete any number of quests in a negligible amount of time (i. e. you can complete any number of quests at the beginning of the same hour, even if there are dependencies between them). You want to complete all quests as fast as possible. To do this, you can complete the quests in any valid order. The completion time is equal to the difference between the time of completing the last quest and the time of completing the first quest in this order.

Find the least amount of time you need to complete the game.


Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases tt ( 1t1000001\le t\le 100\,000 ). The description of the test cases follows.

The first line of each test case contains three integers nn , mm , and kk ( 1n2000001\le n\le 200\,000 , 0m2000000\le m\le 200\,000 , 1k1091\le k\le 10^9 ) — the number of quests, the number of dependencies between them, and the number of hours in a game day, respectively.

The next line contains nn integers h1,h2,,hnh_1, h_2, \ldots, h_n ( 0hi<k0\le h_i < k ).

The next mm lines describe the dependencies. The ii -th of these lines contains two integers aia_i and bib_i ( 1ai<bin1\le a_i < b_i\le n ) meaning that quest bib_i can only be completed after quest aia_i . It is guaranteed that all dependencies are pairwise distinct.

It is guaranteed that the sum of nn over all test cases does not exceed 200000200\,000 .

It is guaranteed that the sum of mm over all test cases does not exceed 200000200\,000 .


For each test case, output a single integer — the minimum completion time.


  • 输入#1

    4 4 24
    12 16 18 12
    1 2
    1 3
    2 4
    3 4
    4 3 10
    2 6 5 9
    1 4
    2 4
    3 4
    2 1 10
    5 5
    1 2
    5 0 1000
    8 800 555 35 35
    5 0 10
    3 2 5 4 7
    3 2 5
    4 3 2
    1 2
    2 3




In the first test case, quests 11 and 44 must be completed at the beginning of the 1212 -th hour of the day, but they cannot be completed during the same hour, because you also need to complete quests 22 and 33 between them. You can do all this in 2424 hours, though. To do so, you start at 1212 hours of the first game day by completing the first quest. At 1616 hours you complete quest 22 . At 1818 hours you complete quest 33 . Finally at 1212 hours of the second day you can complete quest 44 . The total time elapsed (from the moment you completed the first quest and the moment you completed the last) is 2424 hours.

In the third test case, you can complete the first quest and then complete the remaining quest right after. You start at 55 hours of the first day by completing the first quest. After this the second quest becomes available, you complete it as well. The total time elapsed is 00 .

In the fourth test case, you can start with the third quest. You start at 555555 hours of the first day and you can finish at 3535 hours of the second day. The total time elapsed is 1035555=4801035-555=480 .
