CF1016F.Road Projects






There are nn cities in the country of Berland. Some of them are connected by bidirectional roads in such a way that there exists exactly one path, which visits each road no more than once, between every pair of cities. Each road has its own length. Cities are numbered from 11 to nn .

The travelling time between some cities vv and uu is the total length of the roads on the shortest path from vv to uu .

The two most important cities in Berland are cities 11 and nn .

The Berland Ministry of Transport decided to build a single new road to decrease the traffic between the most important cities. However, lots of people are used to the current travelling time between the most important cities, so the new road shouldn't change it too much.

The new road can only be built between such cities vv and uu that vuv \neq u and vv and uu aren't already connected by some road.

They came up with mm possible projects. Each project is just the length xx of the new road.

Polycarp works as a head analyst at the Berland Ministry of Transport and it's his job to deal with all those mm projects. For the ii -th project he is required to choose some cities vv and uu to build the new road of length xix_i between such that the travelling time between the most important cities is maximal possible.

Unfortunately, Polycarp is not a programmer and no analyst in the world is capable to process all projects using only pen and paper.

Thus, he asks you to help him to calculate the maximal possible travelling time between the most important cities for each project. Note that the choice of vv and uu can differ for different projects.


The first line contains two integers nn and mm ( 3n31053 \le n \le 3 \cdot 10^5 , 1m31051 \le m \le 3 \cdot 10^5 ) — the number of cities and the number of projects, respectively.

Each of the next n1n - 1 lines contains three integers viv_i , uiu_i and wiw_i ( 1vi,uin1 \le v_i, u_i \le n , 1wi1091 \le w_i \le 10^9 ) — the description of the ii -th road. It is guaranteed that there exists exactly one path, which visits each road no more than once, between every pair of cities.

Each of the next mm lines contains a single integer xjx_j ( 1xj1091 \le x_j \le 10^9 ) — the length of the road for the jj -th project.


Print mm lines, the jj -th line should contain a single integer — the maximal possible travelling time between the most important cities for the jj -th project.


  • 输入#1

    7 2
    1 2 18
    2 3 22
    3 4 24
    4 7 24
    2 6 4
    3 5 12




The road network from the first example:

You can build the road with length 11 between cities 55 and 66 to get 8383 as the travelling time between 11 and 77 ( 12653471 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 6 \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 3 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 7 == 18+4+1+12+24+24=8318 + 4 + 1 + 12 + 24 + 24 = 83 ). Other possible pairs of cities will give answers less or equal to 8383 .
