CF147B.Smile House






A smile house is created to raise the mood. It has nn rooms. Some of the rooms are connected by doors. For each two rooms (number ii and jj ), which are connected by a door, Petya knows their value cijc_{ij} — the value which is being added to his mood when he moves from room ii to room jj .

Petya wondered whether he can raise his mood infinitely, moving along some cycle? And if he can, then what minimum number of rooms he will need to visit during one period of a cycle?


The first line contains two positive integers nn and mm (), where nn is the number of rooms, and mm is the number of doors in the Smile House. Then follows the description of the doors: mm lines each containing four integers ii , jj , cijc_{ij} и cjic_{ji} ( 1<=i,j<=n,ij,104<=cij,cji<=1041<=i,j<=n,i≠j,-10^{4}<=c_{ij},c_{ji}<=10^{4} ). It is guaranteed that no more than one door connects any two rooms. No door connects the room with itself.


Print the minimum number of rooms that one needs to visit during one traverse of the cycle that can raise mood infinitely. If such cycle does not exist, print number 00 .


  • 输入#1

    4 4
    1 2 -10 3
    1 3 1 -10
    2 4 -10 -1
    3 4 0 -3




Cycle is such a sequence of rooms a1a_{1} , a2a_{2} , ..., aka_{k} , that a1a_{1} is connected with a2a_{2} , a2a_{2} is connected with a3a_{3} , ..., ak1a_{k-1} is connected with aka_{k} , aka_{k} is connected with a1a_{1} . Some elements of the sequence can coincide, that is, the cycle should not necessarily be simple. The number of rooms in the cycle is considered as kk , the sequence's length. Note that the minimum possible length equals two.
