





One day Vasya got hold of a sheet of checkered paper n×mn×m squares in size. Our Vasya adores geometrical figures, so he painted two rectangles on the paper. The rectangles' sides are parallel to the coordinates' axes, also the length of each side of each rectangle is no less than 3 squares and the sides are painted by the grid lines. The sides can also be part of the sheet of paper's edge. Then Vasya hatched all squares on the rectangles' frames.

Let's define a rectangle's frame as the set of squares inside the rectangle that share at least one side with its border.

A little later Vasya found a sheet of paper of exactly the same size and couldn't guess whether it is the same sheet of paper or a different one. So, he asked you to check whether the sheet of paper he had found contains two painted frames and nothing besides them.

Please note that the frames painted by Vasya can arbitrarily intersect, overlap or even completely coincide.

The coordinates on the sheet of paper are introduced in such a way that the XX axis goes from top to bottom, the xx coordinates of the squares' numbers take values from 11 to nn and the YY axis goes from the left to the right and the yy coordinates of the squares' numbers take values from 11 to mm .


The first input line contains two integers nn and mm ( 3<=n,m<=10003<=n,m<=1000 ) — the sizes of the sheet of paper Vasya found. Next nn lines, each consisting of mm symbols "." (dot) and "#" (number sign), describe the found sheet of paper. The symbol "#" represents a hatched square and the symbol "." represents a non-hatched square.


In the first line print the single word "YES" or "NO", meaning whether it is true that the found sheet of paper has two frames painted on it. If the answer is positive, then print in the second line 44 integers: the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of the first frame. In the third line print 44 integers: the coordinates of the upper left and the lower right corners of the second frame. If there are multiple answers, print any of them.


  • 输入#1

    4 5


    1 1 3 3
    1 1 4 5
  • 输入#2

    5 6




In the first sample there are two frames on the picture. The first one is:

###..<br></br>#.#..<br></br>###..<br></br>.....<br></br>The second one is:

#####<br></br>#...#<br></br>#...#<br></br>#####<br></br>In the second sample the painted figures are not frames. Note that the height and width of valid frames is no less than 3.
