CF117E.Tree or not Tree






You are given an undirected connected graph GG consisting of nn vertexes and nn edges. GG contains no self-loops or multiple edges. Let each edge has two states: on and off. Initially all edges are switched off.

You are also given mm queries represented as (v,u)(v,u) — change the state of all edges on the shortest path from vertex vv to vertex uu in graph GG . If there are several such paths, the lexicographically minimal one is chosen. More formally, let us consider all shortest paths from vertex vv to vertex uu as the sequences of vertexes v,v1,v2,...,uv,v_{1},v_{2},...,u . Among such sequences we choose the lexicographically minimal one.

After each query you should tell how many connected components has the graph whose vertexes coincide with the vertexes of graph GG and edges coincide with the switched on edges of graph GG .


The first line contains two integers nn and mm ( 3<=n<=1053<=n<=10^{5} , 1<=m<=1051<=m<=10^{5} ). Then nn lines describe the graph edges as aa bb ( 1<=a,b<=n1<=a,b<=n ). Next mm lines contain the queries as vv uu ( 1<=v,u<=n1<=v,u<=n ).

It is guaranteed that the graph is connected, does not have any self-loops or multiple edges.


Print mm lines, each containing one integer — the query results.


  • 输入#1

    5 2
    2 1
    4 3
    2 4
    2 5
    4 1
    5 4
    1 5


  • 输入#2

    6 2
    4 6
    4 3
    1 2
    6 5
    1 5
    1 4
    2 5
    2 6




Let's consider the first sample. We'll highlight the switched on edges blue on the image.

  • The graph before applying any operations. No graph edges are switched on, that's why there initially are 5 connected components.

  • The graph after query v=5,u=4v=5,u=4 . We can see that the graph has three components if we only consider the switched on edges.

  • The graph after query v=1,u=5v=1,u=5 . We can see that the graph has three components if we only consider the switched on edges.

Lexicographical comparison of two sequences of equal length of kk numbers should be done as follows. Sequence xx is lexicographically less than sequence yy if exists such ii ( 1<=i<=k1<=i<=k ), so that xi<yix_{i}<y_{i} , and for any jj ( 1<=j<i1<=j<i ) xj=yjx_{j}=y_{j} .
