2024-10-27 18:55:54
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Fast IO
void fast_io() {
// Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree) for prefix sums and k-th element queries
struct BIT {
int size;
vector<int> tree;
BIT(int n) : size(n), tree(n + 2, 0) {}
// Update the BIT at position idx by delta
void update(int idx, int delta = 1) {
while (idx <= size) {
tree[idx] += delta;
idx += idx & (-idx);
// Query the prefix sum up to and including idx
int query(int idx) const {
int res = 0;
int x = idx;
while (x > 0) {
res += tree[x];
x -= x & (-x);
return res;
// Find the k-th smallest number in the BIT
int find_kth(int k) const {
int idx = 0;
int bitMask = 1;
while (bitMask <= size) bitMask <<= 1;
bitMask >>=1;
while (bitMask >0) {
int temp = idx + bitMask;
if (temp <= size && tree[temp] < k) {
idx = temp;
k -= tree[temp];
bitMask >>=1;
return idx +1;
// Function to parse the input array from the string
vector<int> parse_array(const string& s) {
vector<int> arr;
int start = s.find('(');
int end = s.find(')');
string nums = s.substr(start +1, end - start -1);
// Split by commas
int num = 0;
bool negative = false;
for(char c: nums){
if(c == '-'){
negative = true;
else if(c == ','){
arr.push_back(negative ? -num : num);
num =0;
negative = false;
else if(isdigit(c)){
num = num *10 + (c - '0');
// Push the last number
arr.push_back(negative ? -num : num);
return arr;
// Function to format and output the array
string format_output(char type, const vector<int>& arr){
string res = "";
res += type;
res += "=(";
for(int i=0;i<arr.size(); ++i){
res += to_string(arr[i]);
if(i != arr.size()-1) res += ",";
res += ")";
return res;
int main(){
int N;
cin >> N;
string line;
cin >> ws; // consume any whitespace
getline(cin, line);
// Determine if it's A or B
char type = line[0];
vector<int> arr = parse_array(line);
if(type == 'A'){
// Encode A to B
vector<int> B(N, 0);
BIT bit(N);
// Insert A[0]
B[0] =0;
bit.update(arr[0]+1); // +1 because BIT is 1-indexed
for(int i=1;i<N;++i){
// Query number of elements less than A[i}
if(arr[i] ==0){
B[i] =0;
B[i] = bit.query(arr[i]);
// Output B
cout << format_output('B', B);
// Decode B to A
vector<int> A(N, 0);
BIT bit(N);
// Initialize BIT with all numbers available
for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
// Process from N-1 downto 0
for(int i=N-1;i>=0; --i){
int k = arr[i] +1;
// Find the k-th smallest available number
int pos = bit.find_kth(k);
A[i] = pos -1; // since numbers are from 0 to N-1
// Remove the number from available
bit.update(pos, -1);
// Output A
cout << format_output('A', A);