Markdown 教程主页面
2023-08-22 22:22:27
是一种轻量级标记语言,排版语法简洁,让人们更多地关注内容本身而非排版。它使用易读易写的纯文本格式编写文档,可与混编,可导出 、 以及本身的 格式的文件。因简洁、高效、易读、易写,被大量使用,如、、等。
is a lightweight markup language with a concise syntax that allows people to focus more on the content than the typography. It writes documents in plain text format that is easy to read and write, can be mixed with , and can export , , and its own format files. Because it is concise, efficient, easy to read and easy to write, is widely used, such as , and so on.
Don't be intimidated by and , 's grammar is very simple, with no more than ten commonly used markers, which is more than enough for daily writing records and can be fully mastered in less than half an hour.
It is these less than ten marks, but it can make people immerse in the record , focus on the content rather than tangled typesetting, and achieve the state of .
Markdown 标题语法:Markdown header syntax
Markdown 段落语法:Markdown paragraph syntax
Markdown 强调语法:Markdown emphasizes syntax
Markdown 引用语法:Markdown reference syntax
- Markdown 序号语法(列表语法):Markdown sequence number syntax
Markdown 代码语法
:Markdown code syntax
Markdown 分隔线语法:Markdown separator syntax
Markdown 链接语法:Markdown link syntax
Markdown 转义字符语法:Markdown escape character syntax
Markdown 内嵌 HTML 标签(在ACGO中无法使用):Markdown embedded HTML tag syntax
The basic syntax outlined in 's original design document is primarily designed to cope with everyday elements needed in most situations, but for some people it's not enough, and that's where extended syntax comes in.
Some individuals and organizations are beginning to extend the basic syntax by adding other elements, such as tables, code blocks, syntax highlighting, autolinks, and footnotes. These elements can be enabled by using a lightweight markup language based on the basic syntax, or by adding extensions to a compatible processor.
Markdown 扩展语法可用性:Markdown extends syntax availability
Markdown 表格:Markdown table
Markdown 围栏代码块:Markdown fence code block
Markdown 脚注(在ACGO中无法使用):Markdown footnote
Markdown 标题编号(在ACGO中无法使用):Markdown Title number
Markdown 定义列表(在ACGO中无法使用):Markdown Defines the list
Markdown 删除线:Markdown Delete line
Markdown 任务列表语法:Markdown Task list syntax
Markdown 使用 Emoji 表情(在ACGO中无法使用):Markdown uses emojis
Markdown 自动网址链接(在ACGO中无法使用):Automatic URL link
全部评论 3
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